The main work is in the bathrooms, currently we only have one bathroom in the house and it is ghastly! We are planning to remove the entire roof from it and build a new gable so that the bathroom can have a high 'cathedral' ceiling with skylights. We are also turning the existing sun room into an en suite bathroom and extending the veranda upstairs to create a sun deck off the new bathroom. So we will most likely be busy for some time yet!
We have managed to get out twice though since we've been here! A few weeks ago we went to the 'Gypsy Fair' which was great. They are a big group of travellers that tour New Zealand throughout the summer months, they pull into towns along the way and make money by performing, selling crafts, reading palms etc. You should see the vans that they live in, they are so awesome, there were a couple of them for sale and the head of the group was looking for people to join them for the next tour! I tell you it is a good job that we have bought this house and couldn't afford to buy one of those vans because I would have been off like a shot. I'd so love to go and join the Gypsy's, even if it was just for a year or two - maybe next year :)
Last weekend we went up to our local Tibetan Buddhist centre, they have a wonderful meditation centre in the hills, it is an amazing place. It was their annual family music day, which was a lovely event and such a huge turn out. it has been years since I've seen so many happy and colourful people in one place.
If you check out the sidebar you'll see that I've added a few links. One is to some sites that have loads of info about Nelson, so if you want to know some more about where we live, check them out. The other one is a current weather forecast! You can see it is actually about 20 degrees warmer here than the UK but I am still freezing!!!!
Gypsy Dancer, this girl has a really gorgeous tattoo on her foot. I am planning to get flowers tattooed on my feet soon :)
Drummer from the music day.
Lu painting a Tsa Tsa (image of Buddha) at the music day (she is going to send this to the young monk that we sponsor at Kopan Monestary in Nepal)