Wednesday, October 17, 2007

At last, a blog!

Hi Everyone

Hope this finds you all well ...

Finally, I have got round to setting up a new 'Blog Page'! I really regret not starting one when we first left the UK four years ago because it would have served as a wonderful record of the time that we have had out here in South East Asia.
I did set up a blog earlier this year that attempted to record the bizzare journey that we have been on, unfortunately it got a bit long winded and read more like an autobiography, so I scrapped it!

Blogging is a superb, spontaneous way of keeping in touch with everybody on a regular basis. As you are all aware, I am an atrocious letter writer! Unfortunately I can never remember if I have already told somebody something or not, so I'm sure you all get letters from me that say exactly the same as the previous one and you just think I'm going senile! Hopefully with a blog I can simply recount things as and when they happen, then I don't have to remember them!

Blogs are also a brilliant source of information. During our years of 'globetrotting' other peoples blogs have been an invaluable resource to us. Guidebooks and information packs for expats are undoubtedly useful, but advice from people who have actually 'been there' is priceless.
So hopefully this blog will also serve as a resource for anyone who may be embarking on the same journey that we have made.

Most of you know that we are going to be leaving Singapore very soon, however we are still not sure when, where or how! so I am going to use this blog to keep everyone updated on day to day events as they happen. I'll still keep in touch by email, but having a blog as well means that I don't have to write the same thing over and over again.
It is also handy for you guys that actually have a life and don't have time to write lengthy emails to us! you can stop by, catch up and just say hi, that way, hopefully we won't lose touch so easily.
I am going to try and write every few days, well at least once a week (or two!) If any of you know your way around computers, set up a feed so that you will be automatically notified when the page is updated. Don't ask me how to do it though, I haven't a clue!

Finally, the very best thing about a blog is that I can post loads of pictures! I don't have anything relevant to this post so I'll just put up a new piece that I have been working on of Poppy - like it?
That's it for now, catch you all in a few days - Carri x

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