Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No Torch In Tibet

One World, One Dream
“One World, One Dream” is China's Olympic slogan. But the reality of China's occupation of Tibet is a nightmare. Thousands of Tibetans are being arbitrarily detained, beaten and killed for speaking out for freedom.

The Game is Over.
On March 24th, China launched its Olympic Torch Relay. In the next two months, the torch will travel to cities around the world in a blatant attempt by the Chinese government to gain international acceptance and to divert attention away from its illegal occupation and current military crackdown inside Tibet.
As part of its global “Journey of Harmony,” the Chinese government plans to run the Olympic torch through Lhasa and other Tibetan territories, including to the top of Mount Everest, in a propaganda campaign designed to convince the world that Tibet belongs to China. Join thousands of people worldwide in calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to immediately withdraw Tibet from the torch relay route.

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